• You may wish to manage temporary Out of Office replies for your Association mailboxes. This can be done using the Outlook Web Portal. You can open any of your Outlook mailboxes using Outlook Web app. 
  • Go to Https://mail.smithbucklin.com· You should see an Outlook logo show up and the address at the top should start with activesync.mail.smithbucklin.com….
  • Put in your login id as smithbucklin\(your user login), and then put in your password. Click sign in.

  • That should get you to your inbox on the web.  Now go to the top right of the screen and click on the persons head icon. You should see an option there to open another users mailbox.

  •  In the next window you type in the email address of the association mailbox you want to access. The example below is for education@eval.org but change this as needed. From there, you click search, and it should find the mailbox. It should look something like this…

  • Open the association mailbox.·
  • Now from the association mailbox, click the gear/settings icon at the top right, next to the ?

  • Select automatic replies, fill in what you need, or turn it off and click OK to save it.

Let us know if you need some help!