How to set OOO Replies for your main inbox


     Within Outlook, click on the file tab, then click on the Automatic Replies button. 


     1. Sign into webmail, click here if you want to learn how to sign into Smithbucklin Webmail.

      2. Click on the settings symbol in the top-right of webmail, then select automatic replies.


How to set OOO Replies for a shared inbox

  1. Go to in you browser, replacing SharedInbox@Address.Org with the name of the shared inbox you want to access. 

    For example, if I wanted to access the inbox, I would paste "" in my browser, like below:

Hit enter afterwards to go to the site.

    2. Sign in with your own credentials of “SMITHBUCKLIN\YourUsername” (replacing "YourUsername" with your actual username) and your own password, like below.

    3. Click the settings icon in the top-right, then hit automatic replies.