Please give a few hours for your permissions to sync. After that time, if it doesn’t appear automatically please follow these steps to add it manually:
  • Start composing a message, and in the “From” dropdown click “Other E-Mail Address…”
  • Click the “From…” button on the left in the dialog box that comes up
  • Type in the organization name (i.e. AAOHN) in the box, and wait for results to load.
  • Scroll down and look for your alias, click on it, then click OK.
  • Go back to the composing a message screen, go to the “From” dropdown box, and select the alias.
  • Try to compose a message to your email address, and see if it goes through.
If you can’t find yourself in the address book, please do the following:

  • Go to the ‘Send/Receive’ tab
  • Click the ‘Send/Receive Groups’ button, then in the dropdown select ‘Download Address Book’.
  • Press ‘OK’ when prompted.
  • Restart Outlook after process has finished.
  • Try the same steps for sending as your alias again.