Microsoft Teams allows you to chat with others via different methods. 

Personal 1:1 Chat

Personal 1:1 chats are used to communicate with another Smithbucklin team member. Personal 1:1 chats should be used when connecting with others in personal/private fashion, similar to texting or privately emailing another person.

You can send a personal message to another Smithbucklin team member/colleague by going to the Chat tab located on the left side of the Teams application, clicking the New Chat option, and then enter the name of the person whom you would like to chat with.

Group Chat

Group chats are used to communicate with multiple Smithbucklin Team members in one place. Group chats are used to communicate with multiple people at once, when a Teams Channel does not exist or does not want to be used. 

You can create a Group Chat by going to the Chat tab located on the left side of the Teams application, clicking the New Chat option, and then enter the names of the people whom you would like to chat with.

Channel Posts

Channel chats are used to communicate with multiple Smithbucklin Team members in a specific Teams Channel. Teams Channel Posts should be used when you want to communicate with specific members of the channel on the channel's topic. For example, if you wanted to talk about a purchase that was made relevant to the Marketing department, you would navigate to the Marketing Team, and then to the purchases channel. 

You can create a post by going to the Teams section located on the left side of your Teams application, finding the specific Team you would like to communicate with, and then click on the relevant channel. From here you will click on 'Posts' located on top ribbon, and then enter your post in the 'Start New Post' section.