Our Top Five Tips for Staying Organized in Microsoft Teams (inteltech.com)

Manage Notifications

As one of the most important items in your online collaboration arsenal, Microsoft Teams offers a lot of different notifications. These are both visual and auditory to help you make sure that you never miss an important announcement or deadline.

But sometimes, these can become overwhelming. Especially if there are teams where you are more of a passive, rather than active member.

In case you don’t want your workday interrupted every time someone posts something new, comments, or adds a file. Microsoft Teams allows users to customize their notification settings.

Want to see every notification setting? Click your picture or initials, found in the top right-hand corner of your Microsoft Teams screen. Then, click settings and select the notifications section. You should see a menu that looks something like the one shown below.


Image credit: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/healthcare-and-life-sciences/how-to-get-organized-and-stay-productive-with-microsoft-teams/ba-p/745792

Please note: your options may look different depending on how your administrator has configured the system.

As you’ll notice, when you look at the menu, you will find your sound settings at the top. For most users, this will be one of the most important settings for you to adjust according to your work style.

There aren’t many things more distracting than having random sounds coming from your computer. Unlike other settings in Microsoft Teams, your sound settings are all or nothing. By this I mean they’re either on or off. You can’t specify certain instances in which you would like to hear a sound notification.

Right after the sound settings, you will see an option for digest emails. This are great for people new to Microsoft Teams or who don’t spend a lot of time in the app. Use these to have any important notifications sent to your inbox.

Below this, you can choose what type of notifications you’d like to receive. For each of these, you have three choices for the notification type.

For the actions most important to you, I recommend choosing the first option “Banner and Feed.” These notifications are like the messages that pop up at the top of your cell phone screen.

It is the most noticeable of the three options. So, if you get too many of them, they can quickly become annoying. But they’re useful for things you need to follow up on immediately.

The second option “Only in Feed” is mainly for conversations in teams or channels. When you select this option, you won’t get a banner on your desktop notifying you of recent activity. Instead, the name of the team or channel will be bolded on the left-hand side of your Microsoft Teams app. This is a less intrusive, more subtle way the program lets you know that there’s been some activity.

The third option “Off” works just as it sounds. Choose this if you do not want to know when a specific activity has occurred.