You will install the authenticator app on your iOS or Android device and then login to Microsoft on a computer with your SmithBucklin credentials where you’ll generate a QR code that you will scan with the app on your phone to configure the app for your account.


To install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device you can use the QR codes below.




Once you have it installed, open the app on your device. Select the option to add a work or school account then select the option to scan a QR code on the mobile app.


On your SmithBucklin laptop go to using Chrome or Edge.


If you aren’t already logged into Microsoft you’ll be prompted to login. Use your email address ( as your login and your SmithBucklin network password.





Once you’re logged in you will see a prompt to enter more information.




Click Next.


The Additional security verification form is displayed.




Select Mobile App from the dropdown list beneath Step 1.





Click Set up in your browser. This will display a QR code specific for your login that will be used to configure the mobile app.




Use the QR code that is displayed in your browser to complete the setup of the app on your mobile device. Once you’ve scanned it and the account is shown on the app, click Next. An authentication request will be sent to your mobile device.




Once you approve it on the mobile device your Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) setup will be complete. Eventually you will use this to approve VPN connections, email access and other services but you won’t notice any differences yet.